View Full Version : Spring Fever - Old Silver In Familiar Grounds

03-18-2010, 04:35 PM
It has been a long cold snowy Winter here on the front range of Colorado. The ground has thawed and now I find myself busy with work, doing taxes, and Spring cleanup around the house. I finally gave in last week and took the V3 out for a quick hunt at the end of the day. I found myself back at the Sidewalk to nowhere on the CSU Campus. I started hunting this area last summer and have been very successful to date. This is also the location of the &quot:daydream:ld Main hunts I have posted on in the past. I found an old picture and tried to take a modern day photo from the same spot. It reveals where the Sidewalk to nowhere used to go...


In the first picture you see the side of Old Main. This building was the heart of the campus for over a hundred years. The second photo shows the same location in modern time. Only the sidewalk remains to tell the story of the once beautiful building that once stood there.

The hunts where short, but very productive. The V3 is finally tweaked to perfection for my hunting style and using Angel's technique of griding small areas I am pulling great finds with each trip. Thanks for the valuable advise Angel! The following Photos come from four short separate hunts in the last 10 days.

I stopped at a small park in a nearby town and found my first Indian of the year. I was on the way back from a job and just happened to have my detector in the back seat. 8)

1899 Indian Head Penny

This one was nice and deep.

My next short hunt was at days end. It brought 2 Silver Dimes and 2 Wheats. You will recognize the Sidewalk from the above Old Main photos.

First find was a nice little Mercury Dime.

Once again the haft of the Lesche is below the ground level.

Next was a Rosie

This one was in almost frozen ground. This was a tough dig

The very next Hunt was at the same location 5 days later. I got to hunt about 4 hours this day. Boy did that feel great. I started first thing in the morning and the finds came fast and furious. I shot video of some of them.

V3Silver.wmv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUE6dvPbzCU#)

A picture of the coin spill

Second Indian of the year for me.
1897 Indian Head Penny

This Indian was in fact at 9 inches deep. It sounded loud and clear.

The Barber at the end of the video was found at the treeline of my local park by my house. I found several Wheats that same trip. I spent about 2 hours at the end of the day and really relaxed and enjoyed the weather. Here is a couple of pictures I took of the Barber.

1902 Barber Dime

You can see the rusty remains of a crimp style cap to the left of the coin.

When I folded the plug over it was right there on top. My pinpoint meter on the V3 showed the 2.5kHz frequency dominant. Rusty caps will sing out sometimes as a deep Silver coin, but the pinpoint showing the 22.5 as dominent gives them away every time. I knew I had a coin down deeper. A few more scoops of dirt and I picked it up with the Garret Pro Pointer. Another 1.5 inches down and the Barber Dime saw the light of day again.

Well looks like I have to go back to work again. Always something getting in the way of that next hunt it seems. Just outside the window the sun is shinning, and the bulb flowers are starting to emerge from their Winter sleep. I can smell spring in the air. There in the corner of my office sits the V3 detector calling to me. Hmmm? I just can't seem to focus. Guess I will go to the park for a few hours. lol

Keep Swing'in

aussie okie
03-18-2010, 04:56 PM
Nice finds :)

03-18-2010, 05:07 PM
Sweet digs and fantastic pics!

03-18-2010, 06:07 PM
Great post Jack thumbsup01 and a great hunt too. I think you are finally getting what the engineers probably already knew about the V3. It has some depth to it!!! Everyone just has to adjust it for their particular location. Glad you are finally able to hunt and are starting off well. Just a couple hundred silvers more, and you will be leading Angel lol I have one silver myself, so I am hot on his tail too ;) That Indian sure held up good. You must have great soil for coppers.

03-18-2010, 06:17 PM
Wheats and Indians hold up well here unless they have been under a spruce tree for awhile. Then they turn green and get nasty coatings. Couple of hundred more Silvers? Ya sure, I know this post will make Angel sweat bullets. rofl

03-18-2010, 08:01 PM
Wonderful finds, Jack. That is a very good mix of coins. The Indian Head sure is in great shape, not like the ones I have dug up here recently. Excellent photos too! thumbsup01 Hey, thanks for kind words too. :) You are pulling some sweet finds by employing the grid method. :yes:

03-18-2010, 08:06 PM
Great coins Jack, and excellent photos too! I love the barber :) Nice to see you pulling coins out of the ground again now that things have finally thawed. :)

03-18-2010, 08:08 PM
Way to go. Nice photos too.

03-18-2010, 08:30 PM
Wooohoo Jack! Those are some sweet finds buddy! Did you use your secret squirell sunglasses for the vid?

03-18-2010, 08:37 PM
Awesome finds Jack, and I love the pics and videos. Sidewalk to nowhere! lol I love it. Boy that place has some definate age to it so there has to ba ton of goodies hiding there just calling your name. Well done my friend. thumbsup01

03-18-2010, 09:18 PM
Super!!! :shocked04: :twirlingeyes: Great post Jack, almost like being right there with ya! 8)

03-19-2010, 02:35 AM
looks like a great place to detect Jack , the photos are first rate . congrats on the coins and i wish ya more success

leslie(nova scotia)
03-19-2010, 03:45 AM
From the land of the Bluenose.....well me bouy you had a great day in the silver department. Interesting spot to hunt and by the looks of it great weather. Thanks for posting!

03-19-2010, 10:44 AM
Hey, thanks for kind words too. :) You are pulling some sweet finds by employing the grid method. :yes:

Thank You Angel! and you are welcome. I believe this one thing has greatly enhanced my ability to pick out keepers in and around trash items in the ground. I cover a lot less ground now and find more!

Did you use your secret squirrel sunglasses for the vid?

No, the video was shot with my compact camera. 8) The squirrel CAM glasses are going to be fun.


Thanks for all the kind words and pat on the back friends. It's nice to get the year started off right.

Keep Swing'in

Cheap Thrills
03-19-2010, 11:24 AM
A very nice bunch of finds and a great video and pictures Jack . There truly was magic in the Air . thumbsup01

03-20-2010, 07:41 AM
Terrific finds, Jack. I love to see the old coins popping out of the ground! The V3 is a powerful machine and you have mastered it. Don't forget to submit a story to White's for the accessory coupon. Now that the ground has thawed, hope to see a 16 D merc in your future.

03-20-2010, 11:23 PM
Nice to see the weather has finally allowed you to hunt.
Love your posts!

03-23-2010, 11:07 AM
you are just in tune with that machine as angel is with his. i'd hate to be next to you both detecting :shocked04: nice job! thumbsup01